Events Coordinator

Hi, I’m Meg! I recently moved to Colorado in April 2023 with my spouse which was a culmination of a long-term goal for the both of us. Of course, I must add that I am a Virginia Tech alumna – GO HOKIES, and Ut Prosim, That I May Serve. An Environmental Scientist by trade, I enjoy being outdoors, so moving here was a no-brainer. My main personality traits include my job, my family, and living gluten free. Beyond that, I’m fond of reading, traveling, walking/hiking, and Netflix. I also am a gluten-free foodie (at the consternation of my bank account), and most recently, have been trying my hand at high altitude baking (gluten free, of course). 

The celiac diagnosis came as a surprise in October 2021. Thankfully, I have an extremely supportive spouse, who, without batting an eye, went completely gluten free with me. We took the diagnosis in stride, and used it as an opportunity to explore new foods and rise to new challenges. Instead of going to breweries, we went to wineries, and instead of randomly choosing restaurants on trips, we planned and stopped at places where I could safely eat, always with emergency snacks on hand! Regardless, living gluten free and managing an autoimmune disease is exhausting, and can be a huge bummer.

Fast-forward to now, I was ecstatic to find such a tight-knit gluten free community in Denver when we moved, so it made the transition much easier. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a part of NCA Denver and support my community and peers with gluten-related disorders. I hope to provide the same unwavering support my husband showed to me with the diagnosis to others who need it. Back to my Virginia Tech roots, what is better than serving others? If you need a friend, a listening ear, tips for living gluten free, or ever want to chat or connect, please feel free to reach out!