3470 South Sherman Street Suite 1 Englewood CO 80113
39.653827, -104.985251
Acu-Choice Health Care
Acu-Choice Health Care specializes in the treatment of chronic disease. They take a more holistic approach to the hard-to-treat cases that Western Medicine often treats by putting people on drugs with unwanted side effects that need to be taken indefinitely. Chronic Fatigue, Candida Yeast Overgrowth, Acne, Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety, Acid Reflux, PMS, Menopause, Infertility, and Pain Syndromes of all kinds (back, shoulder, hip, knee, ankle, hand, foot, abdominal, stomach, headache and migraine pain) are some of the conditions they treat through remedies from Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture, Nutrition, Herbs, Allergy Elimination, and Detoxification.